Digital content is now available in Sora
Ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and/or comics from your school are now available in Sora—the free student reading app from OverDrive.
Install the Sora app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store today! Or, use Sora in your web browser at

Sora is a free student reading app where you can borrow and read digital books and more from your school. Learn more about Sora.

Sora will guide you through the setup process and get you connected to your school in just a few minutes. All you need is your student sign-in information. For more help, explore Sora Help.

Any current checkouts will be available in RBdigital through the remainder of their lending periods. Current checkouts will not be moved to Sora. This way, you can finish reading without disruption or risk of losing your place.

Ebooks and audiobooks are no longer available to borrow in RBdigital. Magazines and comics will no longer be available to borrow in RBdigital after April 30, 2021. We recommend that you start borrowing magazines and/or comics in Sora now, so you're ready for the switch.

Holds will not be moved to Sora. You’ll need to place any holds again in Sora.
If you want a record of your RBdigital holds, you can export your Transaction History from RBdigital websites under My Account > Profiles.

Wish lists will not be moved to Sora. Instead, you can recreate your wish list in Sora.
If you want a record of your RBdigital wish list, you can export your Transaction History from RBdigital websites under My Account > Profiles.

Checkout history will not be moved to Sora. If you like, you can mark books you've already read using lists in Sora.
If you want a record of your RBdigital checkout history, you can export your Transaction History from RBdigital websites under My Account > Profiles.

Borrowed magazines will expire at the end of their lending periods, but you'll be able to renew them if you need more time to read.

Yes, you can access any magazine or comic issues you borrowed through RBdigital by visiting the ZINIO app or website and registering a new ZINIO account using the same email address you used with RBdigital.