How to set a daily reading goal

You can set a reading goal in Sora to challenge yourself to read more. Your teacher can help you pick a reading goal that's right for you.

To set a reading goal:

  1. Select menu.
  2. Under "Settings," select Reading Goals.
  3. Make sure Reading Goals is turned on.

    Then, you can:
    1. Select a daily reading goal time from 5 to 60 minutes.
    2. Turn on reading goal Charts to see detailed information about your goal progress.
    3. Turn on reading goal Notifications to get an alert in your ebook or audiobook when you meet your daily goal.

Once you set a reading goal, you can see your progress in the top-right corner of Sora (next to the menu).

The circle around the star shows progress towards your goal for the current day. The number next to the star is how many total days you've met your reading goal.

You can change your goal at any time by returning to menu> Settings > Reading Goals.