General problem-solving steps

If you're having trouble with Sora (like the app crashing or problems reading books), try one or more of the steps below.

  • Make sure you have an internet connection (if you're trying to do anything other than read or listen to a downloaded book).
  • App only: Make sure you're using the latest version of Sora. Check your app store for updates.
  • Browser only: Open Sora in a different web browser.
  • Restart your device.
  • Sign out of Sora and sign back in.
  • If you're having trouble reading or listening to a book in the app or a web browser that allows downloads:
    1. Go to Shelf.
    2. Select Loans.
    3. Click or tap the icon under the title (either checkmark icon or cloud icon).
    4. Click or tap the option that's not already selected.
      The download and stream options for a title.
      If you switch to Stream (when online), make sure to select Yes, delete download when prompted.
    5. Open the book again.

If you try all these steps and still have trouble, ask a teacher for more help.